abdul rehman khan

I have posted mp3 recordings of his at the cms community at Orkut. Rare recordings and I am glad they have been appreciated. Here are the mediafire links http://www.mediafire.com/?zjizmjwjnmw and http://www.mediafire.com/?0zjfitnv4ky This almost forgotten ustad was the most effective composer of thumris since Bindaddin. He was a great talent as witnessed by the masterpiece l.p.s of the 1960s thumri duets of Laxmi Shankar and Nirmilla Devi, both students of him at the time: ” sawan beeta jaye “. If there is anyone who doesn’t know, Nirmilla devi was also the mother of Govinda.  Abdul Rehman Khan was a rogue who tried to seduce all his female students and was often successful. (sometimes not, and thus a very short stint as his student for parveen sultana, fresh from Guwahati at the time). In fact Batuk Deewanji kept him out of jail when his discretions attracted police intervention.   Here is one of his thumris sung by Shobha Gurtu:http://www.mediafire.com/?zmmyhtuii0t James

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