How many of you know what it is?  Of great historic importance it is an unpretentious building in the center of  south mumbai  near kemp’s corner. It is the focal point of Agra gharana. In what seems a warren of flats (and feuding families) on the 4th floor live the descendants of Vilayet Hussain Khan, Azmat Hussain Khan, Khadim Hussein Khan and others. It is home to Ustad Aslam Hussain Khan and Raja Mian (son of Anwar Hussain Khan) two of the current  torchbearers of Agra. Faiyaz Khan used to stay here when he was in Mumbai.  I felt privileged to visit that flat the first time after having heard the name many times.                                               Jyoti has asked me for more about Ruby Mansions and I am afraid I cannot provide much more.   Fancy it is not,  a typical crowded partitioned Muslim flat.  Everyone is related to someone from the hoary past with the usual tension of crowded spaces.  Deewanji says that at one time he counted 35 people living in the flat.  It is not all music anymore but certainly retains the grace of muslim hospitality.  I suppose this is going to be the title of the book I might write about Agra gharana “Ruby Mansion”.    Not a bad name.       James

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