Comments on: gauhar jaan Tue, 29 Apr 2014 14:11:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: musicmumbai Tue, 29 Apr 2014 14:11:12 +0000 In reply to Peter Manuel.

peter, thanks for your comments. I had been critical of comments of Vikram Sampat on the subject of thumri (thus the page discrepancies and possibly the misinterpretations). I did not know that some things had come from your book which I had read years ago. Whatever I know about the subject is not really from your book. I am glad that you still take an interest in the subject. Your book may be 30 years old but in English it is an unsurpassed classic. I certainly agree that Shukla’s book and others (ramashreya Jha’s volumes, the excellent book on Sadarang (i forget the author’s name) come to mind) should be translated into English. Shukla’s book and I believe your book are very difficult to find and should be in print. I have not yet been able to procure even a photocopy of Shukla’s book! I do not remember about your book and do not have it here with me, but I have noticed in Lalita DuPerron’s excellent book on thumri there is no mention of the most popular thumri of all time- the exquisite “babul more” of k.l. saigal nor mention of the thumri masterpieces of Abdul Karim Khan. As i mentioned somewhere, maybe in another thread, I am intrigued by the absence of bindaddin thumris in the 3 volume “thumri sangraha” of rahat ali. I would be interested if you have any idea on this. I believe he (bindaddin) was contemporary with sanad piya, chand piya, etc. and rahat ali’s father had been in the retinue of wajid ali shah in metiabruz if i am not mistaken. Thanks again for your interest. I also loved your book “cassette culture”. What do you do now? regards, james

By: Peter Manuel Tue, 29 Apr 2014 01:35:30 +0000 Oops, I mean I wrote the thumri book 30 years ago, not 40.

By: Peter Manuel Tue, 29 Apr 2014 00:23:21 +0000 I have just discovered this informative website, with this discussion of my thumri book. I see that this thread is years old, and everyone has moved on, but for the record I can say a few things. I basically wrote that book in 1982-83, i.e., more than 40 years ago. There are several errors and shortcomings, and of course so much informative literature has come out since then, such as Vidya Rao’s fine articles, and even Sampath’s ‘Gauhar Jan’ book, which I think is a rich mine of data in spite of some minor errors. Even when I wrote my dissertation/book, in the history section I drew heavily (with proper acknowledgement, of course) on Shatrughan Shukla’s (subsequently published) dissertation, and it’s a pity that these—like so much other fine work in Hindi—are not easily accessible (while my book is now on my website).
As for the comments on my book, I’m of course gratified that people have read it so closely, and with an appropriately critical eye. Regarding the comments here, instead of saying that the bandish thumri has “disappeared,” I clearly should have said “almost disappeared.” (And I don’t consider something like BGAK’s “Ka karun sajani” a bandish thumri.) Also, I didn’t say that the Banaras thumri was usually sung in dadra and kaharva, I just said that it could be sung in those tals, though I see how my wording could be misinterpreted; obviously, jat/dipchandi is more standard. As for my statements on language in bandish thumris (p. 6, not 102-03), I again see that the wording can be misinterpreted; when I say that khari boli and Urdu were “more common” in bandish thumris, I meant that they were more common there than in bol banao thumris, not that they were more common than Braj Bhasha. I think we all agree on this.
Anyhow, it’s nice to see such well-informed people discussing the music we all love with so much passion.

By: musicmumbai Sat, 21 Aug 2010 06:45:37 +0000 In reply to Komolika Majumdar.

Komolika, You wrote, “…we are talking about the 18th-19th centuries, not what Shubha Mudgal sings today or records which u have heard. Many of these are out of vogue and are lost and talas and ragas employed too is different from what is prevalent today. So do not link up historical facts to what you see and hear of music in the present or even within the last 50 years.”
I have a previous post on this blog on the “Thumri Sangraha”. The hundreds of thumris in the 3 volumes were documented by Rahat Ali whose father was a singer I believe in the court of Wajid Ali Shah. I think it represents an authentic version of what the thumris were like. All of the major composers of that era except Bindaddin are represented- ragas, notations, taals and thekas of the era which were somewhat different. Most of these thumris are not in current thumri repertoire and some that are are sung diffirently. They are mostly in kafi, khamaj, jungla, bhairavi, piloo etc., mostly in teental, and in Braj. Lila Karvale’s collection of thumris could hardly be described as unauthentic, nor Rajabhaiya Poochwale’s smaller collection. There is also the huge wealth of recorded music from Gauhar, Zorabai Agrawali, Malka Jaan and others.

You just do not seem to accept a viewpoint different from yours. Criticism is important and one hopes results in better subsequent attempts. I do not know where your anger comes from. You called me “a public fool that lacks knowledge” (and despite what you later said, that is how it reads) without offering any kind of apology. You yourself were disparaging of Saba Dewan’s film and Kumar Prasad Mukherjee’s book.

By: Komolika Majumdar Sat, 21 Aug 2010 03:56:34 +0000 James, you can not be considering the book of Mr Peter as a good book if it has the same “erroneous” statements (acc to u) that Mr Sampath’s book. My suspicion that in the absence of documented material the author too might have relied on what is now considered as an authentic reference material on thumris among academics, was right as a lot of the material seems to be drawn from the Manuel book. So you should have pointed out these “errors” to Manuel whenever that book was published. Since you continue to stick to the same “contradictions on page 103-110” and similar tunes, like Mr Ally Adnan, i also feel it is pointless talking further since you have a set mind that is unshakeable to logic and reason. So be it ! When we say thumris had urdu splattered in it (and that too clearly mentioned that it was a miniscule) we are talking about the 18th-19th centuries, not what Shubha Mudgal sings today or records which u have heard. Many of these are out of vogue and are lost and talas and ragas employed too is different from what is prevalent today. So do not link up historical facts to what you see and hear of music in the present or even within the last 50 years.
Beyond this i have nothing more to add. I dont know if you have any personal prejudice against the author or not and even if you do, thats your problem and not mine. My interest in this was to point out that there were no innacuracies in the book in the manner tha you disparagingly point out, since in my view it is an extremely well-researched, well-written and good book which will ensure that the memory of the great Gauhar Jaan is kept alive and reaches out to a cross-section of people who perhaps dont even know how to spell a ‘thumri’ about which we all have spent 3-4 valuable days arguing ! I feel efforts like these, especially from the younger generation, need the encouragement and support of us from the previous generation and started off by saying it is thoroughly disappointing, tiresome, full of errors etc (without substantiation) and with not a single good thing to say abt it (when it has more good than a possible few errors as nothing except God is perhaps perfect in this world)–surely and certainly does no good to the cause of Indian classical music, which i think you are passionate about and espouse.
However we are a free democracy and u r perfectly entitled to your views and opinions, however skewed and biased others might feel they are. I rest my case with this and like Mr Ally feel it is pointless to take more of your valuable time on this unrelenting topic!


By: musicmumbai Fri, 20 Aug 2010 03:24:05 +0000 In reply to Komolika Majumdar.

You wrote, “That was more of a general statement and no personal affront on you!” That is not how your original statement reads.

You wrote
“I tended to agree with the hypotheses of Mr Sampath’s book largely because the Peter Manuel is something that i have closely followed (unlike others) during the past many years of my student years in classical music, which you dispute.”

I do not understand what you mean here.

You had mentioned that the reviewers had “sent (Saba Dewan’s film) to the washers”. I would be interested to read the reviews if you could direct me to them. I haven’t seen any myself.

By: musicmumbai Thu, 19 Aug 2010 15:44:36 +0000 In reply to Ally Adnan.

Mr. Adnan, Why would you think that? Because i didn’t like the book? Jealous? you’ve got to be joking. It was you who personalized the discussion and called me “despicable” for daring to criticize the book. What does that have to do with Mr. Sampat? You seem to be unable to accept criticism of his book. Before I bought the book I saw him interviewed on tv. His enthusiasm and engaging personality increased my excitement to buy the book. I really cannot imagine why you think there is something personal in my criticism! It was a disappointment because as you can see from my blog, I am interested in the subject, and my expectations were very high. In my original post I had said that my criticism is more of the publisher than the author. How could something like the contradiction I mentioned between what is written on page 103 and page 110 get past an editor?

I apologize to you and to the author for any offence I have caused.

By: musicmumbai Thu, 19 Aug 2010 15:35:07 +0000 In reply to Komolika Majumdar.

KM. Why would you consider Peter Manuel’s book as some sort of “bible”? I certainly do not, nor ever did. I do think it is a very good book, and that is all! If you agree with those specific things that he wrote I don’t know what to say! Do you think that bandish thumris are extinct, that they are in khadi boli and Urdu, are in “weighty” ragas like malhar, darbari and malkauns, and that Benares bol banao thumris are usually sung in dadra and keherwa???? The recorded documentation, some which I mentioned, and the “Thumri Sangraha” and other thumri collections does not support this. What I have learned about thumri has not been from Peter Manuel’s book. These were just some random errors I picked out. There were more.

By: Ally Adnan Thu, 19 Aug 2010 14:24:03 +0000 James,

It seems that you have a personal grudge against Vikram and are jealous of his success in writing a largely good book. Therefore, I see no benefit in continuing this dialog. When things get personal, one tends to lose objectivity and clearly that seems to be the case with you here. I apologize for having taken up so much of your time.


By: Ally Adnan Thu, 19 Aug 2010 14:21:37 +0000 In reply to musicmumbai.

Your English also showed lack of knowledge.

I have reached out to Saba.
