….This morning after leaving Besham and fixing a flat tyre, about 10 kms. down the road I was stopped at another police checkpost; here they insisted on police escort. It was soon too annoying having a police wagon slowly creeping along behind me, so I put my bicycle in the car and off we went. It didn’t end there….Pleasant as it was getting to know these gregarious cops soon I was told that their jurisdiction ended and I would be going on in another wagon. This went on and on, maybe a total of 20 different vehicles, all the way through Lower and Upper Kohistan. It was getting dark and they proposed I spend the night at the police thana. I had no idea about hotels in this area, or any security issues and agreed.  It was an enjoyable experience even without any electricity or mobile network. Their generator had been washed away in a flas flood. The one light (solar powered) is what you see in the photo of our dining. What a beautiful sleep on a charpoy under the stars.
     These policemen were all very friendly and respectful. Like everyone I’ve met they are curious. I guess they don’t meet people like me very often who can speak Urdu. I enjoy it too and I am continuing to WhatsApp chat with some of them.Dinner
     Although I would much prefer not having the police escorts I realize it is for me and my well-being that they are doing this and I am grateful. There also were stretches of the road in a terrible condition and I was happy being in the wagons.
     One difference from the Indian curiosity is that one of the first question guys ask me is how many children I have and if boys or girls. I think it indicates how much of a priority that is here.

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