Katas Raj is an old Hindu temple complex I had wanted to visit in this interesting hilly area of Punjab. It is a beautiful place with a Shiv temple According to my guide twice a year a group of about 200 Hindu pilgrims come here from India keeping this Shiv temple alive. Also sometimes Hindu pilgrims come from Sindh where there are many Hindus.
On the way to Malot temple along a very remote single lane road was a singnboard for Malakand temple, completely derelict but with some attraction.
The Malot temple farther on must have been magnificent once upon a time. Situated high on a rocky hilltop it is made from a red rock that has been weather-beaten over the centuries.
James great to read that you are back on the road.
What a fantastic tour through Pakistan you are making.
Stay safe. Stay healthy.
Greetings from Bas from Goa.
At present in Himachal Pradesh to enjoy the upcoming Hindu festivals Dussehra and Diwali
Thanks Bas
Wow James beautiful pictures of the temples, keep writing.
Thanks Sarwar