After so much cycling already I realised I still had hundreds of kilometres remaining to Andalusia. Not along the coast though, and it was back in the mountains. It most definitely wasn’t the quickest way, but infinitely more interesting away from the tourists and traffic.
After a long day of cycling I stopped in a beautiful place, Jalance.
The next day was more climbing and hills eventually came the flat valley into Albacete. A strong headwind, hot and boring, my morale was low.

Arcade in Albacete

Good rest, good food and a nice city, the next day was fine. After climbing out of the flat valley there were beautiful roads and lovely nature to a small village called Salobre with a very nice small hotel.
Morning outside Salobre

The next night after many hills I was in a small place called Villacarillas in time for a wonderful Sunday lunch and all ready to watch the final of the Tour de France, the Wimbledon final and most important the European Cup final between England and Spain. It was wonderful being in Spain for the Spanish victory. The celebration went on for days.

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